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Dr. Louise Comeau Climate Action NB Interview
Webinar: Carbon Pricing Narratives in New Brunswick, Canada - 27 January 2017
Webinar - Dr. Louise Comeau, NB Output-based Carbon Pricing System
Making Sense of Carbon Pricing - #2 DR LOUISE COMEAU
Talking Climate Change with Sceptics and Deniers
Conservation Council of New Brunswick's presentation to the standing committee examining SMRs
Electrifying Canada: What Citizens Want and Need to Accept Change.
Louise Comeau, Green Candidate, Carleton-York
Webinar - Factors affecting social acceptance of renewable energy and transmission projects
Re.Climate Launch at Carleton University
Minister of Canadian Heritage on the federal Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act
Legacy of A Giant: Revenue Neutral Carbon Tax and a Passion for Innovation | Global Energy Dialogues